Step 1. Install Hugo

Go to Hugo releases and download the appropriate version for your OS and architecture.

More complete instructions are available at Install Hugo

Step 2. Configure your Git Hub Pages

You need a github account for this step.

Step 3 Choose a theme

In Hugo theme pages choose your favorite theme and download to your computer.

Unzip the files into the hugo default theme folder: ./Sites/YOURSITE/Themes

Then copy the content of config.toml file in theme folder to the config.toml in your default site folder./Sites/YOUSITE/config.toml

Step 4 Running Hugo

With a terminal set in your default hugo webpage run:

hugo -D

Hugo will building your page acording with the selected theme.

Open a terminal in your site page and start hugo

hugo server

Then open your local site in: http://localhost:1313

You can open yhe Site folder with Visual Studio and start code your site.

Step 4 Upload site

Now just upload the Public folder to your github.

Tips for Hugo’s markdown: